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Birth Control Bingo

Learn how world-traveling newlyweds have lost that good old feeling down there, and what they can do to reclaim it.

Case #: 1136


This past year, I married the love of my life. And part of our first year of marriage, we want to travel a bit. We’ve already seen Paris. We’re going to Spain next week. Hopefully by the end of the year we’ll visit China. For travel enthusiasts like us, we cannot get pregnant. In fact, getting pregnant is simply not an option. It’s not that he nor I don't want a baby; sure we do! But we can’t travel much with a newborn.

To impede any chance of getting pregnant, I started taking birth control pills. But as of late, I’ve noticed my orgasm intensity has declined. It has declined so much that it makes sex awful. I just want to travel the world and remember the great food, the wonderful locations, and the AMAZING sex.


Firstly, I'd like to congratulate you on finding your true happiness. It's definitely hard to find and hold on to. It's great for newlyweds like you to really explore the world together. I'm sure you'll learn a lot of fascinating information about both the universe and yourselves.

Not The Right Time

I completely understand your point of not wanting to have a child so early in your marriage. It's important to fully know how the two of you work together as a couple before adding a new addition to your family. Though you've taken the responsible precautions in order not to become a trio, your efforts are coming up fruitless because of the orgasm loss.

Birth Control Interference

A woman who takes birth control regularly for long periods of time, could very well begin to lose the ability to orgasm. This occurs because of how much the pill decreases our testosterone levels. Testosterone is the soul hormone that is responsible for the sex drive.

When we ingest birth control, it causes the liver to release Sex-Hormone Binding Globulin protein. This protein fuses to testosterone, causing it to become inactive. When SHBG levels rise in the body, it causes our free testosterone levels to drop. This is not good for the libido in any way, shape, or form.

Different But The Same

Every woman's biological makeup has its own unique facets that make them who they are. Not every woman's body will respond well to the limited options of the pill. My personal pill horror story mimics this notion completely. When I began taking birth control, I had nothing but problems.

I menstruated for weeks, I was as weak as a flu patient, and I definitely had no desire to have sex. That form of birth control just didn't fit well with my genetic makeup, and I think this might be the root of your problem as well.

Bring Back The Va Va Voom

I would recommend getting off the pill as soon as possible. Detoxing from that testosterone killer, and utilizing a different form of contraceptive, is your best option for bringing back vaginal sensitivity and desire to power you orgasm.

While you detox from the birth control, you should remedy the insensitivity with natural herbs such as Dong Quai and Black Cohosh. (TRY: Natural Clitoral & Vaginal Desensitization Remedy) An herbal formula that includes these ingredients will help to repair any nerve or tissue damage created by the use of the pill and promotes the proper production of estrogen and Oxycontin.

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